complete gallery of santa monica catalog images
The complete collection of the of photographic artworks that comprise Gregory Colbert’s Ashes and Snow exhibition, on display from January 14 to May 14, 2006, in the Nomadic Museum at the Santa Monica Pier.
The photographs, gathered on more than 40 expeditions since 1992, capture extraordinary moments of contact between man and animal. The result of profound patience and vision, the photographs have not been digitally collaged or superimposed; they record what the artist himself saw through the lens.
Printed and bound in Italy on deckle edge Biblos paper from Cartiera Magnani in Pescia, Italy (this is the paper on which Napoleon’s wedding announcement was printed); hand-sewn binding; cover from handmade Nepalese paper sealed with natural beeswax; tied with thread stained with hibiscus tealeaves and a Nepalese bead.